Any suggestion that the Greens are preferencing the Liberals or Nationals anywhere in this weekend's Victorian election is entirely false.
Despite anything that might be in the media, or in any garbled reports you may receive, the Greens are NOT recommending preferences to the Liberals (or Nationals) in any seats. We ARE recommending a preference to the ALP in the vast majority of the marginals that matter, and in most other seats.
In some seats, we will leave it to the voters' choice, by providing a split or open ticket that allows them to Vote Green and then preference whichever major party they choose.
In the Upper House we have already determined to provide all preferences to like-minded parties first, then Labor, then the Conservatives, then the candidates with the most extremely opposed position to The Greens.
By contrast, the ALP has preferenced the so-called Country Alliance ahead of the Greens. This Party is essentially a Shooters-and-Loggers Party.
Please visit our website to view how Greens preferences are being distributed: In the lower house:
You can see how preferences from above-the-line votes will flow in the upper house at
Please feel free to pass this email on to others.
Best Wishes
The Greens Campaign Team
Australian Greens (Victoria)
1/377 Little Bourke St, Melbourne 3001
(PO Box 4589 Melbourne 3001)
(03) 9602 1141
Authorised by Bronwen Mander, 1/377 Little Bourke St, Melbourne 3001
Did you get a chance to have alook at this, talk about a dirty tricks smear.,21985,20781476-5008560,00.html
Apparently Mr Tinkler has previous form for this kind of stuff.
Oh yeah, I saw that piece, "sex perversions' reference and all. This from the man who exploited a 14 year old for the sake of salacious 'journalism'.
Thank you Richard for posting this. I have been devo about the Greens-Libs thing for the past few days. Now I am livid.
Forwarding it now.
You're most welcome, sublime-ation. But devo? You mean you've been wearing little plastic hats? ;-)
And dancing like a robot in glow in the dark outfits.
No, just quietly distraught and wondering who the hell I'm gonna vote for.
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